Since I didn't do very much blogging in Key West, I'm going to try to try to write some highlights of the trip, not necessarily in chronological order, just as I think of things!
Once the half marathon was out of the way, it was time to have some fun in Key West! I couldn't wait to visit a bakery that I visited last year, Mattheessen's bakery for a giant cookie!!
Giant chocolate chip cookie from Mattheessen's bakery! |
Erika and I each had a chunk of the cookie and took the rest back to the hotel room and had more later and finished it off the next day! They are really good! I bought another chocolate chip and an oatmeal raisin on the last day we were there to bring home and I cut each into four pieces and froze them!
We rode our bikes around quite a bit. We had fun goofing around with a bunch of sculptures in the Mallory Square area:
High-fiving a sailor |
flirting with railroad worker |
Helping an elderly lady with groceries |
We saw cruise ships docked in Mallory Square, we took lots of pictures in those photo thingies - I'm sure they have a name but it's where you put your face through an opening:
Oyster waitress |
Fishing charter |
Sunday night we went to Willie T's bar to listen to my favorite Key West singer:
Gerd Rube |
I listened to him last year when I was there and I looked up his website shortly before my trip and found out that he was playing in Key West again this winter! I was so excited! He also had a brand new CD so I bought one when he was on his break:
My new BFF! |
While he was on the stage and between songs, he commented on my shirt! He asked if I had run the half marathon and asked what my time was!
We went running both of our remaining mornings because we were in Key West and could run in shorts and back here that was not an option:
71 degree temp difference at 7:23 am |
Running along the ocean |
playing in a sculpture on the beach |
Monday night we stopped by the Southernmost point because every time we go by there it's crowded and there were always long lines for pictures. When we got there, there was nobody else around! We took each others pictures and then two men came along and asked if one of us could take their picture so they took ours together. It worked out well!
Southernmost Point at night |
goofing around at the Southernmost Point |
We went to a drag queen show! That's something I've never done before!
Monday afternoon, we rode our bikes all the way around the perimeter of Key West. The half marathon used to go all the way around but the main road is under construction on the north side of the island so for the last two years the course had been an out and back along the south side. Last year a lady told me that the other side is really boring and we really are running the best part of the course twice with the modified route. She was right. The other side is very commercial and looks like any street in any town around here: McDonalds, Burger King, Home Depot, gas stations, muffler shops, etc etc etc... There was also a lot more traffic. If I'm never on North Roosevelt Ave. again, it will be ok with me!
All too soon, it was time to pack up and check out of our hotel room. We were able to leave our luggage in a room at the hotel since our flight wasn't until late afternoon. It rained a little bit on Tuesday morning while we were packing but then it stopped and the sun came out and it was really nice. We rode around, stopped at shops, and had a late lunch since our flight was going to be so late. While we were having lunch, it began raining again and rained really hard. We were sitting along an open wall in a restaurant on the harbor. It did eventually stop raining and we got on our bikes for our last hour of riding around Key West. At the time we started to head back to the hotel it started to rain again. We got soaked! We had to change our clothes before leaving. (We had to change EVERYTHING, that's how soaked we were!) The desk clerk called us a taxi, the taxi came and we were headed to the airport.
Our flight home was uneventful, both planes left on schedule. We got back to Detroit, my diesel Jeep even started right up. (I parked in the enclosed parking garage connected to the airport; well worth the extra few dollars per day cost.) I dropped Erika off at her apartment and headed home. I got home at about 2:15am.
To sum up my 2014 trip to Key West: I had a blast!!
Key West 2014 |
Runner Nerd
home from Key West
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