Friday, February 11, 2011

A First for Runner Nerd (not one she ever wanted to see)

College is getting harder.  I have also been working a lot the last few weeks.  Last week and the week before I worked more hours than I have in quite a while.  It really made it hard to study the way I usually do.  I have had 2 tests now that I felt very unprepared going into.  I got an 88 on one of the tests.  I've NEVER had a grade that low before.  I was shocked.  It was a really hard test and as soon as I started I knew I wasn't prepared.  I've had to make the difficult decision to quit my job a couple of months before I had planned.  I knew that I would not be able to work when I have to start hospital clinicals next semester because  I will have 2 full days of clinicals and 2 full days of classes. 

It has been bitter cold here.  Last night during the Thursday night group run I was actually wondering what I was doing.  My face was so cold.  But....when we finished up it was still a tiny bit light out!!!!  The last couple weeks it has still be a little light out when we started but last night was the most light we've seen on a Thursday night run in a long time!  Does this possibly mean that spring is on it's way??????  It won't come soon enough for me.  Today I also got to go for a run.  I don't even know when the last time I ran 2 days in a row.  I hope to be able to get more running in once I am not working.  I will have to soon if I am going to have a decent half marathon in May.  It wasn't as cold today but it was still bitter cold.  It just isn't fun in this weather but I can't stand the thought of running on a treadmill either.  I ran so slow today; my body just wouldn't go any faster and it was difficult.  I was running on cleared paved paths so I can't say that it was from the deep snow or bad footing. 

Well, it's time to go turn on my heated matress pad and get ready to crawl into a warm bed and read my new Runner's World (March issue).  Maybe reading about people running will help me to feel like doing it again. 

Runner Nerd
bad grade nerd and slow runner

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