Tuesday, January 8, 2013

She's gone for three months

I put my daughter, my baby, on a plane today.  Actually, I pulled up to the curb, took her suitcases out of the back and sent her on her way; people cannot accompany people into the airport anymore.  I'm sure that's probably better in this case!  There were two other students on the same flight and another who would be joining them on the second leg of the flight in Dallas, TX.   She is studying abroad in Belize for three months.   The trip is led by Anthropology professors and is only with students from her university.  She texted me when she landed in Dallas and then called me just before boarding in Dallas and one last text when she was on the plane and it was going to be leaving.  After that, no more cell phone.  I got an email from her saying that she got there safely and she is already loving it!  Her email said that there are trees EVERYWHERE!!  There are trees everywhere here, too.  I am not sure if the trees there are dense, as in a woods or forest, everywhere in Belize.  I guess I will have to wait to see pictures. 
I will worry about her safety every day and will miss her but I am glad that she has this opportunity.
I had to drop her off at the airport at 6:30 am so we had to leave home at 5:15 am.  We only slept a few hours after being up late getting everything packed so I was tired when I got home.  I fell asleep and slept for over four hours!  I guess I was tired!
Tonight was running group!!  With Christmas and New Years falling on Tuesdays, there was no running group the last two weeks.  It was good to get together with the group again. 

My trip to Key West is rapidly approaching!  I leave in 9 days!!
I have been following the story of 12 people who made up a relay team for a relay from Miami to Key West.  This relay took place Friday and Saturday.  It was hot with temps in the 80s; I sure hope it's like that when I'm there too!  This group of 12 people on this relay team have all lost at least 100 pounds each and came to know each other though blogging and a weight loss website called Sparkpeople.   A documentary is being made of this relay and the journeys of the people from being morbidly obese to losing the weight and becoming runners.  I can't wait to see the documentary.  As a respiratory therapist, I take care of people who are realizing that their lifestyle choices have caused their problems and I've heard many times of how they wish they could go back and do it differently.  One of the reasons that this documentary interests me so much is that these people made those lifestyle changes before it was too late and changed their lives in such great ways.  They are proof that it can be done and that people are really doing it!!!  I have also heard every excuse there is for not making those lifestyle changes.  I've listened to patients refuse to put any effort into their recovery; they want medicine; they don't want to be told to exercise and eat differently.  When I hear of people making the changes I get very excited!!! 

Time for bed, tomorrow begins my study and review for my board exams which I hope to take next week.

Runner Nerd
no kids in the house

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