Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2010 races

Several of the running bloggers I follow have now posted their planned race schedule for next year.  Do I dare??  I will try to do the same by the end of the year.  I am afraid that as soon as I do something like write out a list of the races I want to do next year for the world to see my hamstring will laugh in my face and decide to pull again.  I hope not, I've had enough of that. 

The Thursday night running group ran tonight since Thursday will be Christmas Eve.  I ran 6 miles.  I don't know if I will get another run in between now and Christmas.  I want to do a long run the day after Christmas, at least 12 miles.  I'm still thinking about where I want to go to do it.  I am now only 15 miles away from 1000 for the year!!!!  I could do it this week!!
After running I went shopping.  I figured I should probably give my children something on Christmas.  I told them that their college educations are their christmas presents this year!  Gifts are very practical at our house this year.
It's bed time, I'm exhausted!

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