Saturday, January 2, 2010

Change of plans but I did go running!

So much for a plan!  After I finished my blog entry announcing to the world that I was off to my favorite running trail I started to change and a running buddy sent me an instant message. (computer was still sitting there as I was going to check the temp one more time.)  Soooooo, I ended up chatting with running buddy for 40 minutes.  Of course, running buddy had just FINISHED his 5 mile run.  When the IM conversation was ended I looked at the time and realized that I should be arriving at my destination and not still at home.  I looked out the window and the sun was shining so I decided that I might as well just go running from the house.  I would be finishing my 4 mile run at  about the time I would be arriving at the park if I was to stick with that plan.  So, I ran my 4 mile route on the roads here.  I probably looked like a new years resolution runner out there.  It was 14 and windchill 0 and I wore my most hard-core running gear for the first time this season.  I chose the wrong gloves and my hands ended up being too hot, imagine that!!  I have 25 miles for the week now, pretty good!   (11 of those miles go to the 2009 total, 14 to 2010.) 
I'm off to a good start! 

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